I love digital. Amazing quality, accessing your photos straight away, not holding back on quantity of shots, being able to share across the globe moments after the shot has been taken. All wonderful, and very necessary in today’s world, especially if you do a job like Dan does!
I love analogue. The level of control is removed, you have no idea if it’s going to come out right – or at all – you have to wait a week to get the rolls of film back to find out. But, it’s so exciting.
Luckily, today we can find a happy medium and have the best of both worlds. I just got the below shots back from the shop – they were taken on a road trip in America with our friends back in May this year. My favourites are the double exposures where I mixed together two subjects with opposing textures. Now I’m wondering how this kind of thing might work at a wedding… Enjoy 🙂